How To Enjoy Travel From Home While Waiting Out The Coronavirus
Well, this one has been a doozy I don’t think any of us saw coming in 2020! Coronavirus, you may win for now, but THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Some people have chosen or been forced to reschedule or cancel their travel plans for the next few weeks. Don’t worry! In the meantime, I have put together a list of travel ideas for you to enjoy while stuck at home until you can get out there and explore again!
Here are ways to enjoy travel from home while waiting out the coronavirus.
Make Photo Books of Your Past Travels
I can’t be the only one who has all my photos of past vacations just sitting on my computer?! Now would be a great time to actually do something with those vacation photos. Find a photo book company where you can upload your travel photos and either have them automatically made into a photo book or if you are feeling a bit more creative, you can organize them yourself into a photo book. Then have them printed and in a week or two, you will have all your vacation photos physically printed out. These also make for great coffee table books. Some of my favorite photo book companies are Mixbook*, Artifact Uprising*, Chatbooks, and Blurb.

Check Out Pinterest and Think About Where You Want to Travel Next
One of the best sources of travel planning and travel dreaming is Pinterest. You can find just about anything you need on there and it’s visually pleasing. Make your own boards and pin inspirations for the trip you want to take next. You could make a board for US destinations, a road trip around New Zeland, honeymoon dream destinations, or bucket list trips. The options are endless! I’ve gathered quite an array of travel inspiration on my Pinterest page. Click here to follow me and browse my Pinterest boards.

Prepare for Future Vacations by Purchasing Travel Insurance
I always recommend purchasing travel insurance for your vacation, but especially now. You just never know what is going to happen where you will need help protecting your vacation investment. You could have a death in the family, you could go to the ER the night before your vacation, you could lose all your luggage, or coronavirus could spread throughout the world causing mass panic and trave cancellations.
The travel insurance I recommend to my travel clients is Allianz’s Cancel for Any Reason policy. If you have to cancel your trip for an uncovered reason (like the fear of traveling during the spread of coronavirus), you will at least get 80% of your trip investment back. From what I have been hearing, most other travel insurances aren’t covering anything for coronavirus.
Contact me at to get a travel quote for your next vacation and to ask your travel insurance questions. I will help as best as I can!
Learn a New Language
Now is a great time to brush up on that language you learned in high school or learn a completely new language! If you have plans to travel to Mexico or Germany at the end of this year, for example, it would be a great time to learn a few key phrases to use while traveling. One of my favorite language apps is Duolingo. It is free (there is also a paid version) and makes learning a new language fun, like playing a game!
Online Shop to Prepare for Your Upcoming Trip
If you have a trip coming up later this year, now would be a great time to (online) shop for new travel clothes and accessories!
One of my favorite travel accessories is the travel scarf from Waypoint Goods*. These travel scarfs have a secure pocket where you can keep your phone, passport, money, and credit cards while you travel. It is a perfect accessory for destinations like Europe, so you don’t have to hang on to a purse.

*affiliate links – which means I earn a small commission if you use it. It doesn’t change the price on your end, but rewards me for sharing with you!
What are some of your favorite travel-themed clothing items and accessories you are looking to purchase for upcoming vacations?
Virtually Visit a Museum
Do you love visiting new museums? Google Arts & Culture teamed up with over 500 museums and galleries around the world to provide virtual tours and online exhibits that you can view right from your home. Some of these museums include the Guggenheim in New York City, National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul, and art in The White House.
Click here to browse through these virtual museums all over the world. Which one are you interested in seeing?
Road Trip to a National Park
Make sure to go outside and get fresh air and sunshine while waiting for all this madness to blow over! Fresh air and exercise helps you stay healthy, mentally and physically. Turn this time into an excuse to take a quick road trip to a US National Park near home. Currently, there are 62 national parks in the US. A lot of them are located in the West, so if you aren’t nearby a National Park, go find a local park to explore!
What is your favorite National Park? I think mine is Olympic National Park in Washington. You get the best of both worlds, beach + jungle and hiking.
What do you plan on doing while waiting out the coronavirus? Will you be looking to enjoy travel from home?